




【5/22時代專場演講】Sensing and Connecting Across Scales

發佈日期 : 2024-04-26 最後更新日期 : 2024-04-26



時代基金會邀請MIT媒體實驗室教授Joseph Paradiso,於5月22日(三)以「Sensing and Connecting Across Scales」為題,進行專題演講,深入探討環境研究小組最新研究項目,涵蓋穿戴式裝置、智慧建築和太空任務等,藉由不同虛擬感測環境與介面,與人類連接溝通。

聯合基金會有5席名額,有意參加者請於5月2日(四)前將報名表或中英文職稱、姓名、電話、電郵等資料E-mail聯合基金會報名(E-mail: mail@lienho.org.tw ),如有問題請洽詢聯合基金會陳小姐02-33933821。


【Special Epoch Webinar Series】

講題:Sensing and Connecting Across Scales

時間:5 月22 日 (三) 14:30 - 16:00 (台北時間)




We are living in an era driven by ubiquitous sensing.  The visions that many of us touted in the early days of ubiquitous/pervasive computing have largely come to pass in this age of IoT, and now sensors of all kinds are embedded in smart devices across our environments that draw very little power and connect seamlessly to widespread networking infrastructure.  Where do we go next?  The crux of much of this will be in how this information connects to people, and how our perception and cognition effectively expand beyond our corporeal confines.  This talk will explore this viewed through the lens of recent projects happening in my Responsive Environments research group that involve sensing at various scales in the physical world (wearables, smart buildings, connected landscapes, and space missions) and how this information connects to people in different ways, from manifesting sensed or inferred phenomena in virtual analog environments to interfaces modulated by user attention and focus or augmented by real-time AI.
